Welcome to mah room mortals. Muahahahaha!

I mean, I guess this is just gonna be a running page of thingies... I have no clue what to do here!

Sometimes, being on a site like this is intimidating. I just stare and stare at this blank page not knowing what to create. The older I get the harder creation gets. After being spoonfed content from social media like a Pate Goose for well over 10 years... It's just hard to create sometimes now! So this is my creation, just like I learned from Loose Poops art collective's statement. I'm just rambling and letting it all flow out like a loose poop. And I guess that is just okay.

Linux commands and things I'm learning

I learned the commands "fortune", "espeak", and more recently.

Junk Food Good Swap
Potato Chips Plantain Chips
French Fries Sweet Potato Fries
Soda Fizzy Kombucha or homemade Ginger Ale
Salty crackers Edamame
Vegetable Oil 100% certified olive oil
Deep fried things Air fried things
Candy and sugar Fresh fruit
milk chocolates Dark cacao chocolates

I had this great idea recently! Sometimes when I'm working as staff and doing techy stuff, we have a lot of downtime where we are waiting on people. Downtime is boring, so people do training and certs, play games, read books, etc. A friend hipped me to Jellyfin. I have a network switch and a router... What if I set up my own LAN and ran my own password protected streaming services from my own media server? I may do that... You can also set up a book server with Calibre! It's pretty cool. I'd do it just for local streaming for staff. Wouldn't it be nice if you were stuck on a 14 hour shift to be able to locally stream shows and movies on break?