This is my room here on the forum!

Seryndelle's Room

Having typed about nine lines of HTML now, I've come to the realisation that I probably don't need to write this in code. Oops.

Well, I'm in too deep now to stop. To be honest, I've absolutely no clue what this part of the website is. I saw a thing under my avatar on one of the posts I made, clicked it, and ended up here.

Also, I have no idea whether any of this HTML is broken. I'm writing it fully by hand, but I've only ever written HTML in editors that let me know straight away whether I've made any errors. Given that literally everything I'm typing here is highlighted in red, who knows?

In any case, thanks for stopping by! You can check out my website here. It's probably far less chaotic than whatever the heck I've done on this page, hehe :3