Add your own ideas!
- You think we could use a button to share the Everyone Website with others?
- hell if i know why do u think i made this page
- add a burger to yuor website. grins
- add bugs that wander around. or plants. the flora the fauna. helps your website breathhe :)
- might i reccomend a pokemon wandering
- make a theater page to share your favorite videos
- implement hexclock or rgbeat clock somewhere
- recipes but you include every possible substitution and contingency
- a texture ranking page! what textures do you like feeling? what concrete feels best on your feet? what fabric makes you cringe to feel?
- button that explodes
- exploding button is such a good idea. also how about a virtual aquarium made only out of gifs and pngs
- button that changes site colour randomly
- add ten million cats
- make the exploding button actually delete the page (dont)
- make your dream room via pngs
- make a fun i spy game!
- newspaper for residents of Everyone and the flower desert
- round robin story (take turns writing a sentence)
- figure out how to do a game of exquisite corpse with a web page somehow
- stone soup page. everyone brings an ingredient. idk what would differentiate this from the rest of the everyone site
- page in the style of an artist who never used the internet. if picasso and da vinci were net artists instead of painters what would their web sites look like
- paint by numbers but a web page
- A page with the beginning of an interesting story to it. Others can add a paragraph at a time to keep the story going
- A page for collections of certain types of images: e.g. Eggplants, paper trash, old shoes, things that start with the letter G
- A wordsearch
- Add a 3d room using 3D CSS tricks!
- Make a music page for a community created album
- Make a pixel hunt page, or an image search find-the-item type collage
- Make a random generator for something you like
- Create a drag-and-drop decorating game for your own sense of style
- A game of hot potato! 🥔 When you see a potato, put it on another page!
- let's find ways to links pages that isn't the main page list!
- a list of lists using the details element
- simple but add to someone else's page! does the playlist page need more than one playlist for different moods? does the garden need a path? do you have a new question for the questions page? a chess move? a treasure for the bottom of the ocean?
- a community town hall for the village (the dance party can happen in a room there!)
- rooms 'webring'
- an updates page for the site
- add stickers that people can drag to decorate, extra points if you drew them yourself!
- make a random image page,every time you refresh/and or click, a random image appears
- Make an incremental game.
- a way to use the melon coins and buy stuff with it :D
- burger webring where you click on the burger and it takes you to a random site and theres the link to the everyone site below and its a burger and theres burger things
- post a picture of Rick Astley with a goatse link