- a shark can fly
- I know how to juggle
- those little strips of paper in hershies kisses are edible
- there is a very large squirrel in my house right now
- garfield was originally going to be a pigeon instead of a cat
- the moon is very very wet
- ducks are 86% soup
- this website is owned by facebook
- i can ride a jet ski
- the world is made of pudding
- there is a massive tunnel network of bees underground
- the domesticated computer mouse was originally found on mars
- sometimes, thunder comes before lightning, due to lightning being on break
- ink was invented by the pentagon to sell more caligraphy brushes
- toy story is a documentary, and toy commercials where the toys talk and play with each other are actually just home videos liscensed out
- You are ugly
- It's !
- you are not reading this
add your own!!!!!