Hello, you've reached my part of the melonland website. I am using this page to keep track of my progress with the music album I am making. Here is my homepage
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11/13/24: Wow it's been a while. Progress is going good. I am slowly making demos and when I'm done with that I will move on to really finishing the songs. I feel like I have really improved my ability to make melodies since working on this which is cool. I have a while to go before I get to a point where I'm "good" at writing lyrics but I'll get there eventually. I said I knew what the tracklist is going to be last time but now I'm not sure.
8/11/24: After months of working on this, I finally came up with an opener for this album. Instrumental progress is going well but I am procrastinating actually finishing the lyrics to some songs. I know what the tracklist is going to be which is cool.
7/10/24: It's been a while. I have continued working on the melodies/lyrics for the songs and I am going to start seriously working on instrumentals soon. I figured out what keys the songs are so hopefully that will make writing instrument parts easier. I'm not going to touch the post punk songs just yet because I think I still have more to get out of the pop/new wave inspired sound.
6/12/2024: I got sidetracked and started working on some new songs that don't go with the songs I am currently working with, but I like them too much to not make them. I think I am going to make an EP if they end up not fitting with the album. I've been focusing more on guitar parts for songs.
6/3/2024: I have been working on a song I've had in my head for a long time that I plan to have on the album. The current title is "In Your Mind" but that's boring so I will hopefully think of a better name. It was once a very different song. It was barely a song for a long time. It was a fragment that I thought sounded cool. I am thinking of making it a single because I really like the melody. I'm not even sure if I want there to be singles for this album. I don't think I'm that skilled yet, but I still want to make something. I'm also 17 right now so it's better to make a terrible album now because If it does turn out that bad I can say "I was 17 when I made this" and it being bad will make sense. Maybe it will be good. I like these songs a lot and I think some of them are catchy but honestly the lyrics are kind of awful lol. I am hoping the intstrumentals will make up for them. People don't usually care about lyrics in pop music anyway.
6/1/2024: I keep accidentally coming up with new songs instead of finishing the ones I already have. I came up with one that I really like. It sounds kind of similar to the last song I came up with so I might put them together like I have before. I've been working on "For You" although not enough to find a better title for the song. lol. I have the verses and bridge figured out I just need to come up with a chorus.
5/12/2024: I've decided to save the song "For You" (probably a placeholder title) that I mentioned in the last post and scrap one of the songs I've been working with. It didn't really go with the rest of the songs and wasn't very good.
5/10/2024: Before I started working on this album, I had a lot of projects that I never finished. When I write lyrics, I go through phases with it. When I initially write it, I think it's really good, then after some time has passed, I hate it and stop working on it. After even more time has passed, I come back to it and realize "this isn't bad actually" and start working on it again. I've done that with a few songs I wrote a few months ago. Sometimes I do genuinely write terrible lyrics though, and that's okay, everyone does. This entry / post?? idk what to call this is about some of my older projects because I don't have a lot to say about the current one because a lot of songs aren't close enough to being finished for me to talk about them. The most recent abandoned project was an album called Limeworks. The name came to me in a dream that's why it's weird. It was going to be a post punk kind of album. I was heavily influenced by The Cure when I was working on it which is weird because even though I like them a good bit, I've never considered them to be a favorite band or anything. The opening song was called Shadows and I wrote it while intentionally missing out on a dance at christian camp. I felt so proud of myself. The lyrics are terrible but looking back, it was actually pretty interesting melody wise. It was very ambitious though. I don't think I have the skill to pull a song with multiple parts off yet. That's the main reason why the project failed. I realized I couldn't make an amazing post punk album like I wanted to. The lead single was going to be a song called Never Change. It was a petty song about some former internet friends of mine. It was pretty good though. I'll put it on this album I'm working on now if I can find a way to make it work. I'd have to re write it and make it match the genre of the other songs. A song that had the placeholder names "The "breakup" song" and "That one song about forgetting people" actually made it's way into my current project. It was barely a song in this era. Now it has verses, a chorus and a bridge. Still no official name though. There was a garage rock song called "Don't Know" (terrible name for a song, what was I thinking?) that did not fit with the rest of the songs on the "album." Like most songs I wrote around this time, the melody was interes
ting. The lyrics weren't actually that bad. I was trying to replicate the simpistic lyrics of a lot of 60's garage rock songs. The song that inspired me to write this entry talking about old projects had a placeholder title "For You" and it's actually pretty good. I have too many songs that I am working with now to say it will be on the upcoming album but I want to use it eventually. That's all the songs from Limeworks that I can talk about. When I realized I didn't have the skill to make the album I wanted to, I figured I would try to make an EP. It was called Tomorrow and it was going to have a few song I've already mentioned and a title track. The title track was a serious song about some things that were happening in American
politics at the time but I was really vague about it because I didn't want to reveal too much about myself. I LOVE the album cover I picked out for Tomorrow though (pictured to the right). It's not anything groundbreaking but the filters are so pretty. Even though neither of these projects ever got finished, working on them taught me a lot about making music. If I hadn't learned my lesson, the album I am making now would probably join the list of abandoned musical projects. That could still happen, but I am fairly confident that something will get made out of this assortment of songs I am working with right now which is why I feel okay writing about them. I used to be so ashamed of my lyrics that I never wrote them down anywhere so I'd forget them a lot. I still don't write down lyrics a lot unless I'm completely sure about them, but I make midi files with the melodies of songs whenever I think of one, so if I forget how it goes, I can just listen to the midi. I used to not document my songs at all unless I thought the lyrics were good enough for other people to see. Even when I saved the lyrics, I wouldn't document the melody, so I would forget how my songs were supposed to sound. That makes it really obvious why I never released anything. Another thing I would do is delete any evidence of old songs I didn't like. I really wish I didn't do that because there was probably something good that I'll never be able to revisit. I have a few other abandoned music projects. The most significant that I haven't mentioned already was an album called Nights at the Fair. I worked on it off and on for over a year. I won't go into detail about it because it honestly doesn't matter. I don't think any of the material from it is usable. I was trying to write music like David Bowie and I was like 14 so obviously that didn't work. That album meant a lot to me at the time though. Before that, I wrote a lot of s
ongs and I'd occasionally have ideas for albums or EPs but they were all scrapped for whatever reason. I wrote a lot of music in 7th grade. Most of it was pretty bad but I liked it at the time.
5/8/2024: Today I came up with an idea for another song. There were too many upbeat songs on the tracklist and this one is more chill. I don't have any ideas for lyrics yet but I'll try to make it about something unique. Most of the songs have lyrics about topics that a lot of people have made songs about. I scrapped one of the songs because I couldn't figure out what to do for the verses and it was probably the worst out of the song ideas I've had for this project. I am mainly working on a song that is currently titled "Nothing At All" but I will probably change the name. I want it to be the lead single but I'll have to get at least one person's opinion on it before I decide. The B side is a kind of easy listening song.