question and answer and question and

this page is for asking and answering questions! add your answer to the answer section, and then add at least one question that the question(s) you answered made you think of or that you just think would be interesting to get answers to. if your question is a response to a previous question, put it in a nested details element; if it isn't, make a new top-level details element!

what is the point of your website?

mostly, the point of my website is just for me to have fun making it! The point of my site is to be an archive of the NatM franchise, serving as a fan site and collection of official and fanmade stuff!

does a website need to have a point?

i don't think it needs to have one, but instead think that they all have one even if the point is just 'for fun' or 'to make something for the sake of making it' or something along those lines. Not always, no. Websites are usually created for a reason, but that reason doesn't have to be one that makes sense. Like some of the sites on The Useless Web, they're works of art that are taken out of their original context, or are made to be useless on purpose, like Endless Horse.

what's your favorite thing to look at on other people's websites?

I like to look at the actual structure of them! Where they decide to put their navigation, how they make the code do what they want, and how they make images go in certain positions/areas. People can get really creative!

what's a film that you love, AND feel OK with showing a small child?

I love fantastic mr fox. It feels os good to watch, the music is great, its funny, its just an all around great movie. And all the food in it is soooo mmmmm

Whats something you love about where you currently live.
I was thinking something about the city/neighborhood/area, but feel free to talk about your actual home if you want!

I love that I can hear birds every morning if i'm early enough. It feels very romantic