rules of the indie web
this page was inspired by the rules of the internet; a semi-serious
(not actually that serious) attempt at making rules for the internet!
you can use this page to make up rules for the greater personal/indie web. have fun!!! :3
- Learn HTML.
- Do not let "him" see you.
- use style sheets
- Be silly :D
- Don't shame people for using social media.
- You don't need a greater reason to create! (see rule 4)
- Rule 7 is blank
- Build with a slippy mindset, but only if you feel like it
- Understand your server
- Be kind, above all else. This internet is full of gall and poison and hate. Love will clear your head, it will clean your mind.
- Love the things you love so much you want to eat them.
- Eat the things you love so much you... uhh... so much... you...
- Have fun!
- Break the rules!
- Love yourself, you deserve it!
- Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
- Never fear! Fear is the mind-killer!
- use emoticons XP
- Rule 19 is under construction...
- Me meow meow mew! Meow mew meow. Me meow meow meyo... Mrah.
- Ship and let ship.
- Do it scared. Do it stupid.
- Take it easy, but take it!