A sestina is a type of poem with six words that end each line. There are six stanzas of six lines, each of which rotate the order of the ending words. The last stanza is three lines, each containing two of the six words.

Below I have chosen some words and written one stanza. If you are seeing this and the poem isn't finished yet, add a stanza!

(The rules for a sestina vary slightly - for this project, feel free to use different conjugations of the words. Run can become ran, running, or runs, for example.)

(1) put, (2) plant, (3) run, (4) bug, (5) cover, (6) shine

1 The leaves landed as though put

2 there with purpose - lying below plants,

3 settling there once kicked up by running

4 children. Though lifeless, they care for bugs,

5 hidden under their crunchy brown cover.

6 hidden from rain, wind, and shine.

6 And the plants, alive, hold Shine

1 Sunlight forged to glucose, put

5 The light of living in their pockets, gazing leaves covering

2 You– shading you, Swaying, Feet planted

4 On the ground, vying aphids, froghoppers, shield bugs

3 Swarm the wild rose’s triumphant run

3 A tree's cold fingers blindly run

6 through your hair, your face shines

4 through the thicket, not a soul near to bug.

1 The green growls: "ground your feet, stay put,

2 grow downwards; be still like us plants

5 and you shall reach beneath your mind's cover."

5 And when your shield grows weary, cover

3 step behind the shed and run

2 Through the forest, whisperings from plants:

6 They see how your intricacies shine

1 in the moonlight, shimmers as it puts

4 Your teardrop-shine, the shell of a bug

4 Down your face skitters the bug.

5 You and it, in shame, seek cover.

1 Hands are put

3 over your face, while shame causes you to keep running.

6 Anything to hide the carapice's shine,

2 until you burrow away to free the teary insects amongst the plants.

2 And there you sink, near the leaves and the plants,

4 Left forgotten by the children and the wind, but not the bugs,

6 Who won't forget where they are safe. The light shines

5 Through the leaves as your tears run out. You stay covered

3 There, safe for a moment, before rising to see that time has run

1 On without you, while, with the leaves, it stayed put.

(6 2) Your heart begins to shine, you slowly get up and gently brush aside the plants.

(1 4) You put one foot in front of the other, but you know that the bugs

(5 3) And the leaves will still be here to cover you when you need it. So, smiling now, back to time you run.