a page for seneca (who is a cat)

since i wasn't really sure what to do for my room, i decided that my cat can have this one! he enjoys the computer a lot.

"hello! my name is seneca and i am a 12 year old orange cat!"

i attended a four-year college, so as you can imagine i am very well-read for a cat. i think that reading books is a very good pastime, especially when the books are lying down flat so that i can help with reading.

i like it when people read out loud to me, too!

books are a much better pastime than movies, which are TERRIBLE!!! i hate movies!!! they are very loud and scary! especially superhero movies, they are just the worst! if someone is watching a marvel movie, i will cry and cry and cry. this is an important service i provide to keep everybody safe from loud noises. if crying does not do the trick then i will sit on the computer and make the movie stop. (as you can see from this page, i am a very tech-savvy cat, and this is within my capabilities.)

i love computer time and i love sleeping. it's great when i can combine my passions for these two things. even though i have to share a computer with xixxii, i think we work well together! they do most of the typing, and i do the biting and slapping! i think this is very fun. i like it when they move the mouse around and i can see the cursor move, that's fun as well.

i have lots of important business to attend to with the computer. mostly it involves sitting on mouse cables and making sure my fluffy body covers the volume buttons on the keyboard. it's a tough job, but someone's got to do it!

i am usually a very sleepy fellow and a peaceful soul, but sometimes i like to run around the house and shout a lot. it's important to keep people on their toes. variety is the spice of life, after all. i especially like to meow loudly at other cats! for some reason they always get mad at me. i don't get it!

since i'm so good at sleeping and taking naps, i think it is only fair that xixxii is not allowed to take naps. i don't think humans should sleep during the day. if xixxii tries to take a nap, i will shout so much and jump on and off the bed over and over again to make sure they don't fall asleep! napping is a job for cats!