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Larvapuppy's Room
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I love seals. Seals are the best animals ever, probably. Here is a list of reasons that seals are great:
- They are round.
- They are fat.
- They are semi-aquatic (spend a lot of time in both water and land).
- They are lazy.
- They are cute.
- They have big eyes.
- They are smart (they can learn tricks in captivity).
- They make funny noises.
- They change colour as they grow (most babies are white or light grey, while most adults are dark-light grey with patterns).
- There are different species with unique characteristics. Look up the Baikal Seal, the Ribbon Seal, the Hawaiian Monk Seal, and more.
- Seals are related to bears, badgers, and skunks (other very cool animals)!
- Add your own?