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Larvapuppy's Room

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I love seals. Seals are the best animals ever, probably. Here is a list of reasons that seals are great:

  1. They are round.
  2. They are fat.
  3. They are semi-aquatic (spend a lot of time in both water and land).
  4. They are lazy.
  5. They are cute.
  6. They have big eyes.
  7. They are smart (they can learn tricks in captivity).
  8. They make funny noises.
  9. They change colour as they grow (most babies are white or light grey, while most adults are dark-light grey with patterns).
  10. There are different species with unique characteristics. Look up the Baikal Seal, the Ribbon Seal, the Hawaiian Monk Seal, and more.
  11. Seals are related to bears, badgers, and skunks (other very cool animals)!
  12. Add your own?