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welcome 2 everyone site is closed today :( (jk its open)

Visitor counts Current Beat Time: @000 The song you're listening!
It's a frog!


why is it comic sans :'(

Walking along the street you see a mysterious doorway, it sounds like there's a big party going on and there is no door so you go inside!

This is a community editable website! Everyone on the MelonLand Forum can edit this website at the same time together!

Beans? beans!

someone fucking help me how do i undo the k-curse i didnt read the whole prompt - june

when cats are not vibing they are plotting the destruction of human social class

  • Please follow Forum Rules when adding content!
  • Please be respectful of other peoples edits and work!
  • Feel free to make new pages and hotlink in media!
  • And have fun!

Get some tips on the wiki page and the forum thread!

If you don't know what to make, why not check out the idea dump page! or add an idea for someone else to use!

Fun fact! Did you know that gives an error upon trying to visit it? This is because unlike, no one can edit, not even Melonking themself! Fun fact! Did you know that this text isn't supposed to be here? You aren't supposed to read this. 8 - d75f7e0b3bc0 Fun Fact! Did you know that there are ten more keys to collect? Do not click them all. This is because unlike, no one can edit, not even Melonking themself!


hey person who added a leak u should know that im gonna GET you

(\   /)       
(='.'=)This is Bunny. Put him on your    
(")_(")website and help him on his
       way to world domination AY3 NOW!

<---- what

Guys some1 pls tell me how to un-kcurse myself :((

answer: eat ten thousand boiled eggs...

Some places to explore:

Everyone Village (Working Title)

The Flower Desert

Desktop Cursor Select

One-click cursor selection, fresh out of Kallistero's tinkering station! To use a cursor, just click an image! It's also super simple to add more!

Or you can paste an image URL here to use it as your cursor:

This cursor will follow you through links, to any page that has the KCursor script! Lots of pages linked to this one have the script, so click around and check it out! You can add the KCursor script to any page by copy-pasting this onto it:

Animated gif of a bonfire

Watch BFDI on

b5 crossing for pawns

------- b5 ------

stop here pawns